- Author of Sci-Fi and Fantasy


About The Author

Independent Author and Publisher


Clay Francisco was born in the idyllic Pacific North West, and spent his high school years in Friday Harbor studying music theory and performance. 

He has always been an avid reader due to his homeschooled upbringing, but only recently has he decided to put his hat in the self published author's ring.

Clay writes Action/Adventure Fantasy and Science Fiction influenced by classic characters like Conan the Barbarian, and stories like The Sword of Rhiannon.

He enjoys bringing his own unique twist to stories inspired by timeless adventures, but presented in a shorter format for today's busy reader. 

The individual episodes in The Tales of Karg series are designed to be completed in a single sitting (2-4 hours). Feed back on this experiment is welcomed and appreciated. 


Thank you for reading, and good luck out there!

   - Clay Francisco

