- Author of Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Miner Assault

 Miner Assault - An Area-Control / Pick-Up & Deliver Game


Miner Assault - Hex and Chit Combat for the Next Generation Of Gamers:

I started this game under the name Ore War! for the Board Game Geek 2015-16 Wargame competition but it's sort of taken on a life of it's own.

I've really enjoyed working on this project!

So far, my brother has been the driving force behind this games creation. He was a pretty big D&D player in high school and still has an affinity for the more complicated games, you know, the ones with stat sheets, lookup tables, etc.... (neither of us ever delved all the way into war games or any other re-creation style gaming - I don't think Memoir '44 and Axis and Allies count in this context).

His drive to play test the beast Miner Assault started out as (a 6 hour grueling nightmare), but due to his love of love of RPG combat systems we have created an interesting balance of randomized combat and range-based, line-of-sight strategy.


Players - 2 to 4

Game Time - 60 to 120 mins

Style - Medium strategy, small-scale hex and counter

Ages - 12 and up

Components: 108 Unit chits/pieces

128 HP checkers (32 in 4 colors)

12 Ore checkers (4 - 1 Ore, 4 - 2 Ore, 4 - 4 Ore)

24 Fatigue tokens

18 Fire tokens

32 Action cards 100 Gold tokens

1 Double-sided game board

4 Six-sided dice

1 Rule book

Miner Assault is a 2-4 player hex and counter game played with HP “checkers” instead of the usual stat-sheet managed chits.

It's play-style is modeled after video games like Warhammer 40k and Gears Of War in that it is has unit-level combat based on finding cover and exploiting line-of-sight, range, and unit abilities.

My hope is that Miner Assault will fill the same niche that Risk and Memoir '44 do but with an updated theme and play-style for today's euro-game savvy audience.

Print and Play versions are now available on Google drive through the BGG game design thread.

Miner Assault on BGG

Or directly on Google drive.

Any and all comments are welcome, I'd love to hear from anybody who gives the game a try or even thinks it looks interesting.

Contact me at:, or

Thanks for reading!